This vessel is an upgrade of the TL12+ version (q.v.). The ship was laid down at the Mars Shipyards during the heady days when Earth was not subjugated, and her trade controlled by the evil Imperium. The hulls were procured from Darrian manufacturers and shipped to the Solomani Autonomous Authority, fitted with equipment from Earth, and then deployed in the frontier. The plans would be similar to the picture shown below with changes noted in the statistics for the vessel as listed.
Hull (TL16):
1000dt (H/S=40/40), Streamlined, w/Self-sealing [240McrImp]
AF12 Bonded Super-Dense armor (10%vol., 100dt) [100McrImp]
+Stealth Add-0n (DM-4) [95McrC]
Total Hull: H/S=40/40, AF12, 900dt avail., {495McrC}
Type Q Jump Drive (TL16, J-4/J-4~1.2kdtH) {80dt*0.75; 60dt}, [150McrG*2.00|300McrImp]
Type X Gravitic M-drive (TL12, 6G accel.) {43dt*0.75; 32.25dt}, [88McrC*2.00|176McrC]
**Type X Fusion PP (TL15, R6) {67dt*0.75; 50.25dt}, [176McrImp*2.00|352McrImp]
Workshop (Replicator Lab--small parts): 2.5dt, [1McrC]
Total Engines: 4,6,6 / 4,5,5 {145dt, 945McrC}
Bridge & Controls:
Standard ship class bridge w/ holographic add-on & radiation hardening
(TL15, Init.+2, EMP resistant) 20dt, [7.5McrImp=9McrC]
Computer: Model 7fib (TL15, R35, double rad. resist.) --dt, [45McrImp=53McrC]
+backup computer: Model 5 (TL13, R25) --dt, []
Survey sensor Area used for launch, recovery and storage of 50ea. probe/maintenance drones
10dt, [5McrC]
Enhanced Signal Processing (TL15, DM+4, Range+2, 2dt, [8McrImp~10McrC]
In lower SR area (removing 9ea. Staterooms--36dt):
Military countermeasures suite (TL15, DM+6, 20dt, 25McrImp|30McrC)
Medlab area/Ship's hospital (TL15, 16dt, 5McrImp|6McrC)
Total Bridge & Controls:
(Init.+2, DM+10, R35/25) {30dt (42dt distributed), 125McrC}
8ea. Fixed Foward Firing Triple Turrets w/1ea. Particle Accelerator (PA-11)
Accurate, High Yield (DM+1, Dmg. 6-18+Rad.) 8dt, [36Mcr.]
2ea. Barbette Turrets w/1ea. Particle Accelerator (PA-11)
Accurate, High Yield (DM+1, Dmg. 18-54+Rad.) 10dt, [40Mcr.]
Total Weapons: {18dt, 76McrC}
Accommodations: 21ea. Staterooms {84dt, 10.5McrC}
This area now used for Enhanced Signal processing
(DM+4, R+2)
Carried Craft: 2ea. 50dt Cutters {100dt, -varies-}
Portside Cutter slip used for K102 Long-Range Fighter/Interceptor (see below)
Some vessels in service forgo the Interceptor in favor of an advanced Meson Gun Bay
Starboard Cutter slip used for standard cutter (see below)
Cargo: This area access from Starboard Cutter dock only, et al {21dt, ----}
Ten dTons will now be used for a retractable external clamp
2ea. Clamps (100-300dt) 20dt, [4McrC]
200dt External Module (module must be released to scoop fuel)
(can be released to serve as a station or satellite or vessel can be carried)
When Clamping, current configuration is as follows:
Jump performance remains J-4 (but 80dt additional fuel must be supplied)
Manuever perf. drops from six to five
Power Plant perf. changes from R6 to R5
Fuel: {444dt, ----} 1ea. J-4 + 152 weeks duration**.
Fuel Processor: 200dt/day {10dt, 0.5McrC}
Ship Totals: {1000dt, 585.442McrC--497.626McrImp. not including Cutters}
[**Because the fusion power plant here is the most advanced, the fuel requirements are increased beyond the standard value given in the Main Rule-book; see Traveller Compendium II, page 124.]
K102 Long-Range Fighter/Interceptor
Looking from the exterior exactly like a 50dt Modular Cutter, the K102 is an optimized two man heavy Imperial class fighter with full stealth (DM-4 to detect).
TL16, K102
50dt streamlined BSD hull w/self-sealing & stealth exterior.
[H/S=2/2, personal H/S=20/20, 1.5+0.15+0.5+5=7.15McrImp]
AF16 BSD armor (~ 13.34% hull vol.) -6.67dt [~1.34*1.5McrImp=2McrImp]
Total Hull: AF16, H/S=2/2, 43.33dt avail., 9.15McrImp
Engine Package A102:
TL12 Type sZ gravitic Maneuver Drive (9G perf.) 14.25dr, 76McrC~64.6McrImp
TL15 Type sZ Fusion Power Plant (R9) 9.225dt, 64McrImp
(Fuel usage at 1.75dt per week)
TL9 Fuel Purification Processing Plant (0.5dt per day~7days for tank) 0.025dt, 0.001McrImp
Totals for Engine Package A102: 9G/R9 performance, 23.5dt, 128.601McrImp
Bridge & Controls:
Cockpit * 2, (3dt) with Holographic controls and radiation hardened (rad 1000)
Computer: Model 7, R35, 2ea. (1 main, 1 backup) [60McrImp]
Basic Military Electronics (TL10, DM0, 2dt, 1McrA~0.75McrImp)
Enhanced Signal Processing (TL13, DM+4, Range+2, 2dt, 8McrD~7.2McrImp)
Total Bridge & Controls: R35, DM+4, Range+2, Init.+2, 7dt, 68.325McrImp
Life Support: one ship-class stateroom 4dt, 0.5McrImp
Fuel: 3.5dt (336h duration)
Cargo: 0.33dt
1ea. Fixed Forward firing barbette with PA-11 particle beam weapon
(Accurate, High Yield)~DM+1, Dmg.=8-24pts., 5dt, 40McrB~32McrImp
Totals for K102 Interceptor:
50dt, AF16, H/S=2/2, DM-4 to be detected, DM+4 Sensors, +8 to hit, Dmg.=8-24, 238.576McrImp.
200dt Armored Fuel Shuttle
200dt Hull: (TL14, H/S=5/5, Streamlined, Self-sealing, stealth, heat & rad. shielding)
AF14 Bonded Super-Dense armor (11.67%vol.) [23.34dt., 9.34McrE~8.87McrImp]
Total Hull: 176.66dt avail., AF14, H/S=5/5, 106.72McrImp
Type F gravitic M-drive (TL9, 6G accel.): 11dt, 24Mcr9~16.8McrImp
Type F fusion Power Plant (TL12, R6): 19dt, 48MCrC~40.8McrImp
Fuel usage: 6dt per week
Fuel Processor: 0.66dt, (TL9, 0.55dt/hour), 0.033Mcr9~0.0231McrImp
Total Engines: 30.66dt, 57.624McrImp
Standard Ship class bridge w/Holographic controls + Rad. Shielding
Init.+2, DM-4, 10dt, 1.5McrE~1.425McrImp
Computer: 2ea. Model 6 (TL14, R30, 40McrE~38McrImp)
Very Adv. Electronics: (TL12, DM+2, 5dt, 4McrC~3.4McrImp)
Enhanced Signal Processing: (TL13, DM+4, Range+2, 2dt, 8McrD~7.2McrImp)
Space for: 15ea. Probe drones: 3dt, 1.5McrE~1.425McrImp
Total Bridge & Controls: Init.+2, DM+6, Range+2, 20dt, 51.45McrImp
Fuel: 36dt (6 weeks duration)
1ea Barbette w/PA-11 particle beam weapon
(Accurate-DM+1, High Yield-Dmg/8-24, 5dt, 4McrB~3.2McrImp)
Fuel tankage for support: 80dt
Accommodations: 1ea. Stateroom (crew of 4 hot bunks, 4dt, 0.5McrE~0.475McrImp)
Cargo: 1dt
Total for Vessel: 200dt, 219.469McrImp