Note: For the examples of spacecraft design posted on this blog, I mostly use 2ed. Mongoose Traveller rules, but some examples using 1ed. rules will persist until they can be upgraded.

Look at the side column for variant rules I use in my campaign.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Dr. Shaw's Alien Spacecraft

400dt Vessel of "Engineer" Alien

The following technical specifications for this ship are approximations. 

Dr. Shaw has renamed the ship to "Isfahad"

400dt TL16 Hull, H/S=16/16, HS, SS, SL, AF6 BSD armor, 87.2McrImp.
     380dt avail.

Type D Warp Drive (2psc/week), 25dt, 40McrImp
Type D Fusion Power Plant, 13dt, 32McrImp
Type D gravitic M-drive, 7dt, 16McrImp
Fuel Processor, 100dt/day, 5dt, 0.25McrImp
     Total Engines: W2P2G2, 50dt, 120.25McrImp.

Fuel Tank: 90dt

     Control Center:
Bridge: DM-4, 20dt, 2McrImp
     +Holographic Controls (Init.+2), +0.5McrImp
     +Radiation Hardened (1Krads/AF6 equiv.), +0.5McrImp
Computer: Model 7fib/bis, R35/40, 45McrImp
     +backup Computer: Model 7, R35, 30McrImp
Very Adv. Electronics, DM+2, 5dt, 4McrImp
     +Enhanced Signal Processor, DM+4, Range+2, 2dt, 8McrImp
Military Counter Measures Suite, DM+6, 20dt, 25McrImp
     +Enhanced Signal Processor, DM+4, 2dt, 8McrImp
Total Control Center: Init.+2, DM+10/+6, Range+2, no jam, 49dt, 123McrImp.

1ea. HardPoint (1dt)
Adv. (+3) Large Weapons Bay
     Particle Accel.-11+
Total Weapons: 61dt, 40McrImp.

Integrated into the Control Center is the Low Berth Area:
8ea. Double Sized Low Berths, 8dt, 0.8McrImp
2ea. Units of Probe Drones (10), 2dt, 1McrImp

Payload (120dt, 25.25McrImp):
8ea. Extra-Large Staterooms (6dt ea.), 48dt, 8McrImp
1ea. Ship Hospital (2pat.), 16dt, 5McrImp
8ea. units Full Hydroponics, 32dt, 8McrImp
1ea. Garden (1u. P. Hydrop.), 2dt, 0.25McrImp
4ea. Laboratories, 16dt, 4McrImp
Cargo, 6dt.
