This starship is set up for J-2 operations, but can be flown without the external load for J-4 or reduced external load for J-3 with loads requiring their own supply of system power. J-1 operations are also possible, but will require a self-powered payload module (900dt) and a re-configuring of on-board cargo docking clamp area.
300dt Hull, standard, close structure, 15Mcr.
Armor: none (AF0)
Total Hull: 250dt, HP=100, AF0, 250dt+350dt avail., 15McrC
Bridge, standard, for control of up to 1000dt, DM-4, 20dt, 3Mcr (/600dt).
Computer: R15bis (R15,20/jump), 3McrB~2.824McrC
Civilian Grade Sensors, DM-2, 1EP, 1dt, 3McrA~2.647McrC
Total Controls, DM-4, R15/20, 1EP, 21dt, 8.471McrC
Basic Ship Systems Power Requirement: 60EP (or 120EP when grappling 300dt load)
Gravitic M-drive, 4/3/2G thrust, -120EP*, 12dt, 24Mcr.
Fusion-12 Power Plant, +255EP*, 17dt, 17Mcr.
Fuel: 1.7dt (4 weeks)
Jump Drive, TL13, {J-4/300dt, J-3/400dt, J-2/600dt, 35dt, -120EP*, 52.5MCrD~55.59McrC
Uses 120dt fuel per jump.
Fuel Processor, 40dt/day, 2dt, 0.10Mcr.
Total Engines: 66dt, 4/2G thrust, J-4/J-2, 135EP* avail., 96.69McrC
*M-drive will not run when J-drive is running.
Fuel Tank for Jump + 790 hours duration (4.7 weeks): 122dt
Hardpoint, 3ea. (2 used), 6EP, 2dt, 6.25Mcr.
Triple turret, 1EP, 1Mcr.
[Missile Rack, 0.75Mcr.]
[Pulse Laser, 4EP, 1Mcr.]
[Missile Rack, 0.75Mcr.]
Triple turret, 1EP, 1Mcr.
[Missile Rack, 0.75Mcr.]
[Sandcaster, 0EP, 0.25Mcr.]
[Missile Rack, 0.75Mcr.]
Stateroom for crew, 5ea., 1ea. single+4ea. dbl. occup., 20dt, 2.5Mcr.
Cabin #1: Captain (Pilot, 1st)
Cabin #2: Pilot 2 + Pilot 3
Cabin #3: Astrogator + Chief Engineer
Cabin #4: Ast. Engineer + Medic/Purser
Cabin #5: Gunner 1 + Gunner 2
10ea. Sophont units of Biosphere Life Support, 5EP, 5dt, 2Mcr.
234dt, 3EP avail., 64dt avail., AF0, RS, J4/J2, 4/2G thrust, DM-2, R15/20
Current Load-out:
Payload: 64dt + 300dt extra, 6.5McrC
Docking clamp for 100dt-300dt module or vessel, 3ea., 30dt, 6Mcr.
[Slot A] 100dt cargo module or vessel
[Slot B] 100dt cargo module or vessel
[Slot C] 100dt cargo module or vessel
Docking clamp, 1ea., for 30dt module or vessel, 1dt, 0.5Mcr.
30dt Ship's Boat / Tanker
TL10, 30dt Hull, HP12, SL, 1.8Mcr.
Cockpit (DM-4), 1.5dt, 0.5Mcr.
Gravitic M-drive, 2G thrust, 0.6dt, -6EP, 1.2Mcr.
Fusion-8 PP, +12EP, 1.2dt, 1Mcr.
Fuel PP (4 weeks), 1dt
Cargo: 0.7dt
Fuel Tank: 25dt.
Tanker: TL10, 30dt, AF0, HP12, SL, 2G, dur.4wks., 0EP avail., DM-4, 4.5McrA~3.97McrC
Maintenance droid storage, 3dt, 0.6Mcr.
300dt, 3EP avail., AF0, J4/J2, 4/2G thrust, DM-2, R15/20, +300dt Payload J-2),
cost: 138.011+3.97(141.981)McrC~120.684McrImp.
Note: +1ea. 100dt load only allows J-3