Note: For the examples of spacecraft design posted on this blog, I mostly use 2ed. Mongoose Traveller rules, but some examples using 1ed. rules will persist until they can be upgraded.

Look at the side column for variant rules I use in my campaign.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

100dt TL10 Heavy Modular Cutter, 2ea. 30dt modules, Mk.2=18.931McrImp./Mk.1=17.056McrImp.



This heavy version of the standard cutter allows two standard modules to be carried. Often seen around space ports, this design fulfills many roles such as shuttle, cargo hauler and fuel tanker to name a few. With the ability to carry two different modules, this is a versatile craft, and with aero-fins, this cutter is more maneuverable in atmospheric environments making an ideal planetary landing craft. Any standard module may be fitted. Normal crew consists of a pilot, navigator and engineer.

The Heavy Modular Cutter is a TL 10 Design.

100dt Streamlined Hull, TL10
     At 0.05Mcr./dt >>5Mcr.+0.5Mcr.
          [Self-sealing included]
     +AF6 Crystal-iron armor (TL10) (7.5dt, +1.65Mcr.)
     +Aerofins (Atmo.+2DM) (5dt, 0.500Mcr.)
     +Modular portion of Hull (--dt, +60% cost: 3.3Mcr.)
Total Hull {12.5dt, 10.95Mcr., ~ 8.213McrImp.}
Hull Points: 40

Basic Ship Systems Power Requirement: 20EP.

Engines (Mk2, 3G/4 weeks dur.):
Gravitic M-drive (3G thrust, 30EP, 3dt, 6Mcr.)
Fusion power plant, TL8, 55EP rating, 5.5dt, 2.75Mcr.)
Fuel: 1dt (4 weeks duration)
Fuel Purification Plant: 20dt/day, 1dt, 0.05Mcr.
2ea. additional airlocks for modules, 2dt, 0.4Mcr.
Total Engineering {3G thrust, +25EP, 11.5dt, 9.2Mcr.~6.9McrImp.}

Engines (Mk1, 2G/12 weeks dur.):
Gravitic M-drive (2G thrust, 20EP, 2dt, 4Mcr.)
Fusion power plant, TL8, 45EP rating, 4.5dt, 2.25Mcr.)
Fuel: 3dt (12 weeks duration)
Fuel Purification Plant: 20dt/day, 1dt, 0.05Mcr.
2ea. additional airlocks for modules, 2dt, 0.4Mcr.
Total Engineering {2G thrust, +25EP, 11.5dt, 6.7Mcr.~5.025McrImp.}

Bridge (TL10), standard (DM-4) (10dt, 0.50Mcr.)
     +Rad.Sh., +Holographics (Init.+2), (--dt, +0.25Mcr.)
Computer: Model 2/fib (TL9, R10) (0.24Mcr.)
Electronics: Basic Military (DM+0, TL10) (2dt, 2EP, 4.10Mcr.)
Total Control & Sensors {DM0, Init.+2, R10, 2EP, 12.0dt, 5.09Mcr.~3.818McrImp.}

Cabin Space, 2ea. 3dt, 0.1Mcr. [+750cr./mo.]

Cargo: 1dt.

Weapons: none.

2 x 30 Ton Modules (60dt)

Totals (Mk2): 
TL10, 100dt, AF6, HP=40, DM0, Init.+2, Atmo.+2, 3G thrust, 3EP avail., 18.931McrImp.

Totals (Mk1): 
TL10, 100dt, AF6, HP=40, DM0, Init.+2, Atmo.+2, 2G thrust, 3EP avail., 17.056McrImp.

30dt Modules (as shown above):
All modules have the following:
TL14 30dt SL Hull (AF0, H/S=0/1, 30dt, 1.43McrE~1.359McrImp)
+Self-sealing option (--dt, 0.3McrE~0.285McrImp)
+0.25 additional Hull point (H/S=1/1, 0.25dt, 0.025McrE~0.024McrImp)
+AF6 BSD armor (5%vol.) (AF6, 1.5dt, 0.65McrE~0.618McrImp)
Total Module Hull: 30dt, AF6, H/S=1/1, 28.25dt avail., 2.286McrImp

Passenger Module (6-12pass.+steward)
Engineering Package A
     Retractable Solar Power Array (P1) (0.15dt, 0.015Mcr9)
{9EP, (0.9/0.6/0.45 dt)*0.1 ~ .09/0.06/0.045 dt, 0.009/0.006/0.0045 Mcr.}
     Battery (P1 for 66.67hr. duration) (0.1dt, 0.934Mcr9)
{9EP, 0.15dt, 0.03Mcr.}
Total Engineering Package A: 0.25dt, 0.949MCr9~0.665McrImp
6 each Ship Class Staterooms (single or double occup. @ 2kcr to 3kcr per month)
     (24dt, 3.0McrC)
1 each half-SC SR at double occup. (2kcr/mo., 2dt, 0.25McrC)
1 each Airlock (1dt, 0.2McrC)
Luxuries/Cargo (1dt, 0.1McrC)
Accommodations Total: 28dt, 3.55McrC~3.018McrImp
Module Totals: 30dt SL Hull, AF6, H/S=1/1, 6-12pass.+1steward, 5.969McrImp

Fuel Module (28dt Fuel, Purif.@5dt/day)
No Engineering Package, instead
     Fuel Purification Unit (must be powered by carrying craft, 5dt/day cap., 0.25dt, 0.009McrImp)
Fuel Tankage:
28dt of L-Hyd. fuel.
Total Fuel Module: 30dt SL Hull, AF6, H/S=1/1, 28dt fuel, process.@5dt/day, 2.295McrImp

Salvage Module (22dt Cargo, etc.)
Engineering Package A
     Retractable Solar Power Array (P1) (0.15dt, 0.015Mcr9)
     Battery (P1 for 66.67hr. duration) (0.1dt, 0.934Mcr9)
Total Engineering Package A: 0.25dt, 0.949MCr9~0.665McrImp
Salvage Package A
2 each Grappling Arm (4dt, 2McrC)
2 each Airlocks (2dt, 0.4MCrC)
Cargo Area: (22dt, --Mcr)
Total Salvage Package A: 28dt, 2.04McrImp
Total Salvage Module: 30dt SL Hull, AF6, H/S=1/1, 22dt cargo+handlingEquip, 4.991McrImp

Science Module (2 Labs, 2-4pers, etc.)
Engineering Package A
     Retractable Solar Power Array (P1) (0.15dt, 0.015Mcr9)
     Battery (P1 for 66.67hr. duration) (0.1dt, 0.934Mcr9)
Total Engineering Package A: 0.25dt, 0.949MCr9~0.665McrImp
Science Package A
2 each Ship Class Staterooms (2-4pers.@2kcr/3kcr per mo., 8dt, 1.0McrC)
2 each Laboratories (8dt, 2McrC)
10 each Probe Drones (2dt, 1.0McrC)
Cargo area (2dt, --Mcr)
1 each Air/Raft Garage (4dt, 0.275McrC)
1 each Airlock (1dt, 0.2McrC)
Small Briefing Room (3/4 size, 3dt, 0.375McrC)
Total Science Package A: 28dt, 4.85MCrC~4.123McrImp
Total Science Module: 30dt SL Hull, AF6, H/S=1/1, 2Labs, 2SR, etc., 7.074McrImp



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